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Happy 4th!

4 Jul

This year we are celebrating the Fourth the of July a little different from last year (you could read about here).  Maybe it’s because this year it lands smack in the middle of the week, or maybe because I am not celebrating it with family, or maybe it’s because I am lazy and Luis is busying studying his harder than usual summer classes.

Answer: all of the above.

So, on this Wednesday, July 4th, we are spending it on campus at the Clough building waiting for night to fall and the fireworks to begin.  We should have a good view of Centennial Park’s fire work display from the roof deck of the Clough building.

In the meantime this is what I am doing to pass the time.

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While Luis is busy solving problems and making me feel very inadequate.

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For all I know he could be writing gibberish on the board or curing cancer.

Crossing our fingers it doesn’t rain, Happy 4th of July!

There is an Old Lady Living with Us

27 Jun

We searched for weeks to adopt a cat.  Luis wanted it to be a big, hairy, flat faced, mean muggin’ cat. I was happy to find an organization about 30 miles from us that focused on rescuing and adopting out Persian cats.  So, to Hiram, Georgia we went.

 At first we completely bypassed the skinny, scared himalayan female cat in the last cage.  We glanced at the other two Persian cats on display for adoption; a solid black female named Eva that was young and super sweet, and a bicolored female who was young and liked to play. None of them pulled at our heart strings.

We talked to the volunteer of the organization and asked if there was another location that might have more Persian options.  She quickly went to the cat we were ignoring and told us her story.

They had named her Maggie.  She was found in an abandoned house, surviving off of anything she could find.  Her hair was dreaded and matted. Her mouth was in bad shape from eating whatever she could find. They gave her a lion cut and pulled out most of her teeth, leaving her with her only “good teeth”, four teeth, top and bottom. They think she is about 10 years old. She had been with the organization for 9 months, and the volunteer, Cheryl had been taking her home for extra attention and prepare her for possible future adoption.  Cheryl pulled Maggie out of her cage and handed her to me, which Maggie instantly laid against my chest and neck and started to purr. Then Luis reached out to hold her and she melted into the curve of his chest. We were in love. It took us all of a 3 minute discussion to agree that we wanted to adopt her. When we told Cheryl our decision, she cried knowing her snuggle partner for the last 9 months was going to a forever home.

Day number two with us.

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She hasn’t left our side. She loves to sleep next to us on a pillow on our bed, runs to explore our closet the moment we open the doors, being brushed, and loves to hide in our cubes that we keep our clothes in. She loves to jump up and claim Luis’ chair once he leaves it, and loves to rub her face on our shoes.

A month later, Maggie has gained a few pounds and her hair is growing back.

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This is her I am done with you snapping pictures face.  Luis is in love with the marks on her nose, her dirty nose as we call it, and her mustache.  She is a pretty cool cat.

We never thought at first glance we would have picked Maggie, but now we are so happy she is a part of our lives.

The Bloody Beast @ The Nook

23 Jun

How I love to brunch.

A few weeks back, we finally had the chance to try a restaurant that has been on my list since the beginning of time! (Georgia time of course).  It is a small indoor/outdoor restaurant right across from Piedmont Park.  They usually have great specials, and interesting food concoctions.  If it is raining out $1.00 beers! If it’s Sunday morning or early afternoon, then it’s $2.00 mimosas! Things like that.

Now they have the Bloody Beast, and ever since my cousin in North Carolina introduced Luis and I to the best Bloody Mary’s we have ever had, we are consistently trying Bloody Mary’s wherever we go. Addiction? Maybe. Tomato juice problems? Possibly.

Okay… so, here it is.

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Yea, that is a beef straw, and a hard boiled egg, steak and tater tots skewer, olives, pepperoncini’s, jalapenos, lime slice, lemon slice, and a pice of toasted bread.

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Shrimp and grits burger with sweet potato fries.

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Open face egg salad with veggie sausage patties.

Happy brunching!