Tag Archives: chili

Look!!! Snow!

12 Dec


Well, maybe not yet but it might be on it’s way. The weather calls for some light snow so Luis and I plan on staying inside and keep warm.

What’s the best way to keep warm?  Eat some chili!

Which I have never made before.

(click on a photo to enlarge)

It turned out pretty good. Not as good as my uncle Danny’s but, it kept us warm.

(Danny – it was missing your heat. Need to work on my spice or buy a can of your secret ingredient,  tomatoes with chiles!)

Luis had his with rice and I had mine with tortilla chips.

Of course I had to have my chili and chips on a snow flake platter.

Happy Snow Day!



Oh Happy Day

10 Dec

I Gotta Job!

Our 10th day in Georgia and I have a job! Two interviews, a background check, and my first drug test.

I work in midtown, less than a mile from the apartment.

And I could get you a hotel/resort discount!

Super sweet!! Come on now, come and visit us!

No excuses!

To celebrate, Luis and I went to Zoo Atlanta.

Since today was the warmest day of this week and probably of next week too, we ventured outside and hoped the animals were not too cold to come out as well.

More about our zoo trip in another post.

Now it’s time to have a nice dinner of chili to keep us warm and continue the

“I gotta job!” celebration!