Tag Archives: studying outside

Hello Sun, Just in Time for the Weekend

2 Apr

We woke up to the sun shinning into our bedroom.

I almost forgot what a blue sky looked like.  So nice of Mother Nature to give us some sun to enjoy the outdoors and just in time for the weekend.

Even if we spent the time outside studying.  Well, Luis studied while I read a book my aunt Elaine recommended on my Kindle.  To be fair we did go out for lunch and went to the movies to watch Source Code.

So happy to see the huge tree in front of our window getting leaves on it.  Makes me happy.

Luis is making us noodle soup and then maybe I will go for another walk and soak in some more sun.

In the 70’s

23 Feb

It’s finally warming up here in Atlanta, in the 70’s!

The funny part is, when I was in Miami with the temperature being in the 70’s I would be freezing, but here in Atlanta I feel like it’s hot outside.

Luis had been cooped up inside the house for days studying, so we decided to take it out doors and feel some sun.

While he read his chapters for Biology I glanced at the new Ikea book.

And I watched all the kids and their parents play in our apartment’s courtyard.  Everyone was enjoying the weather!

I can feel that spring is almost here.  I can’t wait to see leaves on the trees and the grass turn green.

Hope your day was warm and bright as well  =)