Tag Archives: love from home

Monday Blues Cure

26 Apr

Have you ever had a friend that would always find little gifts to give to you, even if for no reason?

My good friend Annie has always gone out of her way to send me gifts for my birthday, when Luis and I got married, or just because she was thinking of me.  I have always tried to return the love, but I must admit I am not as good as she is.

She has a talent to find the most meaningful and thoughtful gifts that always make me feel all warm and loved.  Even now, being hundreds of miles away she sent me a care package with lots of little goodies she knew I would just love.

Like my window cling obsession! How awesome is that!?

Or my other obsession with flip flops! Which of course she knows very well since she use to be my supervisor when I first started at the law firm in Miami and I was always being called into my office manager’s office for wearing flip flops to work instead of professional high heels and she still tired her best to stick up for me. Annie is awesome!

Love from Home

2 Feb

Moms are the best!

My mom sensed that I was having a hard time so she sent Luis and I a little gift that literally made me laugh out loud.

Luis called me and told me to go to the campus apartments office, a package was waiting for me.

The package didn’t say who it was from, only a location from New Jersey.

The package also had perishable written on it… I wonder what it could be?

For some reason the first thing that came to my mind was my mother’s avocado bread, but even better I saw chocolate!

Wait a freaking moment!! Not just regular M&M’s….

Of course not! My mom is way cooler than that.  She sent us M&M’s with mine and Luis’ face printed on it.

I had seen these before for baby showers or weddings and secretly I have always wanted to eat something with my face on it  =)

She even picked out cute pictures us of.  What an awesome early Valentine’s present and I love the little jar it came with.

The next day, while Luis was studying he decided to eat only the M&M’s with my face on it and took a picture and sent it to me while I was at work.

Isn’t he sweet?

So, mom it’s been a few days since you sent us your awesome gift and I have to tell you..

the M&M’s are all gone! We ate them all!!  Thank-you, they were very yummy and it brightened my day!